Tuesday, December 22, 2015

First major financial milestone! EEEEK!!!

AHHHHH!!!! Got some BIG, BIG NEWS I'm SO EXCITED about!!!!! It's just the FIRST of many financial milestones to come in this coaching business <3
I know how ICKY this looks to some -- for ME, it was a little off-putting seeing numbers out there in the businesses of the coaches on our team! There are sooooo many business owners of various other companies out there who flash stacks of cash all over social media, talk about "gettin' this cash" (because the ghetto-er you talk, the more people believe you, right? Lol), and basically throw money in people's faces and I'm sorry but that's TACKY AS HELL! You won't EVER see that from me....Beachbody coaches have INTEGRITY ;)
But...honestly, it wasn't until I saw my friend and team mentor's income progress that I decided to stop THINKING about it and give this coaching thing a shot! I was not happy with where I was in my life, I desperately needed to get my health in check, I wanted to get into a consistent workout regimen since I had stopped being physically active for many years, I wanted to FEEL good about myself, and I wanted to make a living helping people. The thing is, I'd always equated money with greed and I wanted NOTHING to do with that...so I had to really stop and think: is it BAD to earn an income if you're doing it with integrity, heart, a grand purpose, and not having to step on people for it? You have to make a living somehow....WHY NOT by helping people?? In this business, your income is a direct REFLECTION of the number of lives you change! Help more people, earn more income....doesn't sound that icky after all <3
This time of year just a few years ago, I was working THREE jobs with no car to get to any of them! I was catching bus after bus after bus, and if you've ever taken public transportation in Miami, you know it's kind of a mess lol. I would leave around 4am and get back home between midnight and 2am, every single day. I had a roof over my head to pay for, groceries to buy, a cat mouth to feed, a car to save up for, and school tuition to save up for. Struggle Street was REAL. I know it WELL.
Never in my life did I imagine myself doing what I do now! Although many people have told me this job suits me perfectly lol. I'll be honest, the first few months of my business I had the drive but lived in FEAR. Fear of helping people (weird, right?!). Not being sure I could REALLY be of value to anyone. And that fear was reflected in my income. I let fear hold me back SO BAD! But as I dove deep into my personal development, I became more and more confident that I COULD do this...that the ONLY thing holding me back was ME!
So, I got BRAVE. I followed my HEART and started to HELP people. And the income shortly followed. I feel so blessed to say that as of the end of this year, I will have earned $1000 in my VERY part-time coaching business! For some, a couple hundred dollars every month isn't very much BUT it's a very ATTAINABLE second income that anyone can earn just from working their business one hour a day! ONE HOUR! That's all you need! And I know there are SO MANY PEOPLE out there struggling to pay even the smallest of their bills, so by me putting it out there, it's NOT to show off or be boastful but to show you what's possible EVEN when you work this business at a MINIMUM!
I am working on some BIG, HAIRY, SCARY GOALS for 2016 and I CAN'T WAIT to see how many MORE lives are changed (including mine!) physically, mentally, AND financially on our team!!!!!! After all, your income is a direct REFLECTION of the number of lives you CHANGE! <3

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